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Year 7 and Sixth Form Admission Consultations

Cambourne Village College is its own admissions authority and we are undertaking two consultation processes from Monday 15 November to Sunday 2 January 2022 – one regarding the admissions policy for entry into Year 7 in September 2023 and one regarding our Sixth Form, due to open in September 2023.

Sections 1.45-1.48 of the School Admissions Code (2021) require all admissions authorities to formally consult on any proposed changes to their admission arrangements and, as in the case of our Sixth Form, when a first set of admission arrangements are proposed.

Who is involved in the consultations?

  • parents/carers of children between ages of 2 and 18
  • other persons in the area who in the opinion of the admission authority have an interest in the proposed admissions
  • all other admission authorities in the local area
  • the Local Authority

Year 7 Admission Consultation

Cambourne Village College is undertaking a consultation to include the development of West Cambourne within its catchment area and the proposal to increase its Published Admission Number (PAN) from the current 250 to 290 for the Year 7 intake, effective from September 2023.

The consultation specifically relates to the development of West Cambourne and the planned construction of a further 2350 dwellings on land immediately adjacent to the school. The Cam Academy Trust and Cambourne Village College have been working closely with the Local Authority to develop plans to increase the capacity of the 11-16 facilities, to offer school places to families moving into the new development of West Cambourne.

It is proposed to increase the 11-16 capacity of the school to 1650 through the construction of new facilities. This development is scheduled to be complete by September 2023 and will accommodate an increased Pupil Admission Number from 250 to 290 for the Year 7 intake, to include the expected demand for school places from the West Cambourne development.

The proposed area of West Cambourne is the land to the north and west of the existing Cambourne development and the College, and within the boundaries of the A1198 Caxton Bypass to Caxton Gibbett to the west, and the A428 to the north.  Our proposed catchment area will thus include the homes of children living within the wider area of West Cambourne development, who fall outside the catchment of the current four named primary feeder schools.

Please read the proposed Year 7 admissions arrangements here.

Sixth Form Admission Consultation

Cambourne Sixth Form is due to open in September 2023 to its first cohort of Year 12 students.

Please read the proposed Sixth Form admissions arrangements here.

How to respond to either consultation

The consultations run from Monday 15th November to Sunday 2nd January 2022. Cambourne Village College would like to invite views on both proposals - to include the development of West Cambourne within the school’s catchment area and to increase the Published Admission Number (PAN) for the Year 7 intake from September 2023 to 290 pupils, and the new Sixth Form Admission Policy.

Please respond by completing the relevant form found below. Any comments or suggestions must be received before the end of the consultation period.

What happens next?

At the end of the consultation period, Cambourne Village College will consider all responses to the proposal and will determine the admission arrangements for 2023/24 by 28th February 2022, at which time they will be published on the school’s website.