The Blue Room is the name given to Cambourne Village College’s specialist centre for pupils requiring additional support with their learning. These needs vary from pupil to pupil; they may be emotional, social, or behavioural, which result in the young person not coping well with certain aspects of school life. The Blue Room has the following facilities:
Pupils follow the same curriculum and lessons as other learners. Their timetable may be slightly modified to support the young person through a personalised timetable.
Pupils often need targeted support from our Inclusion TAs, to engage successfully in mainstream lessons. TA support is regularly reviewed and adapted to suit our pupils’ individual needs. Some pupils receive additional support with their learning in the Blue Room through individual or small group learning with Blue Room staff, and some pupils have access to lessons with our Intervention teachers.
The Blue Room supports our belief that every pupil can make a valuable contribution to the whole school community, and pupils are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities across the college. Blue Room staff will support pupils so they can experience the full range of opportunities on offer at the school.
The Blue Room aims to provide further opportunities beyond the main school. This may happen individually, in pairs or in small groups.
There is a high level of pastoral support for pupils in the Blue Room. For pupils to make the best possible progress, the Blue Room tries to operate as a caring family, supporting and encouraging each person. Like most families, there are certain expectations of the members – these are based on mutual care and respect for one another; looking out for and looking after one another.
The young people are expected to ‘pitch-in’ and do their bit. This may mean making a cup of tea for someone else or listening to another person. Just like family life, there are highs and lows together. The Blue Room is part of the main college; if a pupil ‘gets it wrong’ he/she faces the same sanctions as any other pupil. Just like other pupils, if things go well, there are numerous rewards and prizes.
Every pupil is different, and the Blue Room approach focuses on the needs and goals of the individual. Communication is key, and The Blue Room works closely with staff and parents/ carers to ensure pupils receive the best possible support.
All Blue Room pupils are referred by their Heads of Year or other members of pastoral care at Cambourne Village College. The young person may have had an IBP (Individual Behaviour Plan).
All pupils in the Blue Room have an Individual Alternative Education Plan and this is regularly reviewed with their keyworker and their parents/carers.
The Blue Room Manager
Gurjit Carter
The Blue Room works very closely with the District Team who provide extra support in the form of Educational Welfare, Young People’s Workers, Family Support or In School Support. To assess this type of support, pupils need to have been assessed using the Early Help Assessment (EHA). The Blue Room also works closely with the Police, Social Care, the Youth Offending Service, voluntary agencies (such as Centre 33), and Educational Psychologists.