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Staff List

Senior Leadership Group

Principal Ms L Mayes
Deputy Principal  Mr T Darling
Deputy Principal Ms E Gildea
Assistant Principal and Head of Sixth Form Ms F Rose
Assistant Principal  Mr L Bellis
Assistant Principal Mrs A Hodgson
Assistant Principal Mr G Furbank
Assistant Principal Mr J Russen
Associate Assistant Principal Mr I Knightley
Associate Assistant Principal Mrs L Macwhinnie

Year Groups

Head of Year 11 Ms L Phillips
Head of Year 10 Ms E Harnwell
Head of Year 9 Mr H Ogunfowora
Head of Year 8 Mr N Yousuf
Head of Year 7 Mr L Young


Head of English Ms R Hill
Head of Maths Ms D Gordon
Head of Science Ms R Gale
Head of Arabic Ms K Abughannam 
Head of Art Mr M Yeates
Head of Business Studies Ms E McConnell
Head of Computer Science Ms V Olsen-Dry
Head of Technology Ms P Courtois
Head of Drama Ms L Phillips
Head of Geography Mr B Dickerson 
Head of History Mr E Green
Head of Modern Foreign Languages Mrs M Collado-Canas
Head of Music Dr A Bell
Head of PE Ms K Bingham
Head of Photography Mrs S Minnaar
Head of PSHE Mrs R Milne
Head of Psychology Ms M Ng
Head of RPE Mr I Dover


Safeguarding Lead  Ms J Smith
SENCo Mrs H Scott
Blue Room Manager [Vacancy]
SEMH Provision Manager Ms E Smith 
Inclusion Leader: The View  Mrs V Savill 
Alternative Pathways Co-Ordinator Ms R Shaw
Careers Guidance and Development Lead Mrs V McCormack
Community Officer Mrs E Staines
Data Manager Ms B Cook
Exams Officer Mrs S Stevens
Finance Officer Mrs C Sayer
HR Manager Ms R Ross
Librarians Mrs V Fieldiing-White and Mrs D Payne
PA to the Principal Mrs C Collins
Receptionist (Morning) Mr C Brown
Receptionist (Afternoon) Mrs L Clack
Receptionist (Evening) Mr M Sedlacek
First Aid Support Co-Ordinator Ms J Goldsmith
Senior IT Technician Mr W Saltmarsh
Trips Coordinator Mrs V Pearce