In line with Henry Morris's vision, Cambourne Village College has a remit to serve the community by providing the opportunity for life-long learning and by sharing our facilities with community groups.
We are pleased to offer a range of facilities in the evenings and at weekends both for regular weekly and ad-hoc bookings. Our well-equipped facilities include Sports Hall, Gymnasium, Dance Studio, Classrooms and Halls and our 3G facility.
Facilities are available from 5pm to 9.30pm on weekday evenings and from 9am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.
Note that on Bank Holidays the school site is closed and no bookings are taken.
For events on Friday, Saturday and Sunday including evenings, please email
Use the menu tabs to view Booking Information including the current booking schedule and hire prices and details of Bookable Facilities.
Please be aware that as a busy school, there will be occasions when the larger halls are needed for school performances or functions and school activities will take precedence over community bookings. In the event that your booking is affected you will be given at least four weeks notice and you will be offered an alternative facility wherever possible.
For Community Bookings, contact the Community Coordinator
NOTE: This is not for Adult Education queries - instead please follow the link above.
Phone: 01954 284000