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Contact Us

Cambourne Village College
Sheepfold Lane
CB23 6FR

Telephone: 01954 284 000


The email and phones are monitored by the reception team of Mr Brown (Morning), Mrs Leung (Afternoon) and by Mrs Johnston (Evening), who will direct your enquiry to the appropriate person.

Reception is open 8am to 4pm and 6pm to 8pm every weekday evening (term time only).

Paper copies of any information on our website are available on request, free of charge, from Reception.

Key Individuals

Principal: Mrs Lynn Mayes (

Any correspondence of a safeguarding nature should be sent to

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr T Darling (

Careers Lead: Mrs V McCormack (

SENCo Coordinator: Mrs Helen Scott (

The Chair of the Governors is Mrs Kris Stutchbury (


Our address is:

Cambourne Village College

Sheepfold Lane 


CB23 6FR

If you would like to see us on a google map please CLICK HERE or see the map below. 

Reporting Absence

If you wish to report your child's absence from school please follow the guidance on the absences page. Failure to notify us may result in a text message being sent by our texting system which alerts parents that their child has not been registered.

The CAM Academy Trust

The Cam Academy Trust

c/o Comberton Village College
West St
Cambridge CB23 7DU



Telephone: 01223 262503

General Enquiry

Please use the form below to contact us with general enquiries.

Your Name:
Your Son / Daughter's Name:
Tutor Group:
Your Email:
Your Telephone Number:
Your Message: