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Bulletin 01.12.2022

1st December 2022

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Community Litter Pick

Thank you to all the parents, carers and pupils who supported the litter pick organised by the school last Saturday. More than 100 volunteers came to help to tidy up our town, which was an amazing turnout!

Year 11 Mock Exams

Year 11 have made a strong start to their mock exam series this week. Please see the information within the bulletin which signposts revision resources and support available.

Extra Assemblies

Following the stabbing of a young man in Cambridge two weeks ago, our Behaviour Consultant, Mr Phil Priestley, delivered assemblies on knife crime, drugs and County Lines/child exploitation to Years 7, 8, 10 and 11 this week.  (Year 9’s assembly will be on 8 December.)  Phil is a former Police officer who is jointly employed by the Town Council and the College to work one day per week across the primary schools and CamVC. He is available to speak with any of our pupils on these days and covers many areas of social concern.

A member of the Local Authority Health Team also gave an assembly to each year group about the legalities and possible harmful effects of vaping.    All pupils listened very well to these important inputs.   

Social Events

A large group of Year 8 students enjoyed a social outing to a trampolining centre after school on Tuesday and Year 7 are having the first social event of their careers at CamVC, this evening. I’m grateful to all staff who give up their time to give our pupils these extra opportunities, which are offered to those who try to meet our Code of Conduct at all times.

School Closure on Friday

And finally, a reminder that school is closed on Friday 2 December, for a day off in lieu of teacher training  worked in ‘twilight’ sessions across the year.

Wishing you all a very good weekend,

Claire Coates

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