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Bulletin 23.09.2023

23rd September 2022

This week's bulletin is available here.


Dear Parents and Carers

Year 7 Information Evening

Thank you to all the parents of Year 7 pupils who attended the presentation yesterday evening.  I hope you found this a useful opportunity to learn more about our curriculum, and to meet your child’s tutor and year team.

Stagecoach Bus Cuts

You have probably heard that Stagecoach are cutting a number of services including the no.18 to Comberton, and changing the route of the no.4 which will no longer go to Cambridge via Hardwick or Madingley, but go straight to the Science Park.

This will affect lots of people in Cambourne and particularly students who choose Comberton Sixth Form and want the flexibility of a public bus which is cheaper and more frequent than the service Comberton runs itself. The re-routing of the 4 may also affect those going to sixth form in town.

If you would like to sign the petitions to save the bus routes, please use the following links. For the Number 4: Petition · Stop Stagecoach changing the Citi 4 service · and for the Number 18: Petition · Don't let Stagecoach cancel the 18! ·

Visit to Design Studio in London

Today, our five Year 11 students who won the prestigious national Design Ventura Competition have been to London as part of their prize-winners package.  They will be visiting two design studios to discuss the manufacturing of their product – hopefully in time for Christmas purchases!

Auditions for Chicago

Yesterday, very many pupils auditioned for a part in our next musical theatre production, Chicago. It was great to see such a huge number wishing to take part.  If your child is not successful in joining the cast this time, please remind them that there will opportunities to be part of the backstage team, and also more productions in coming years. 

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Your sincerely

Claire Coates

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