PB 07.07.2023
7th July 2023
This week's bulletin is available here.
Dear Parents and Carers
New Intake
This week we welcomed our New Intake parents to their presentation on Monday evening, and our incoming Year 7 students to their New Intake Day on Thursday. It was lovely to see so many enthusiastic, smiling faces at the end of Thursday and staff are looking forward to their arrival as our newest year group on 4 September.
New Principal
Mrs Lynn Mayes, the new Principal, was able to attend the New Intake parents’ presentation and has been able to spend a number of days in school, meeting staff and pupils, and planning for the new term. She is already fully involved in Sixth Form preparations and I’m confident that a very smooth handover will be achieved when she takes over in September.
Mrs Mayes and I met with Mrs Sarah-Jane Newbigging and Mrs Julia Cullum on Wednesday to discuss the petition about returning to branded uniform. It was a useful meeting – please see the summary near the start of the bulletin. One of the outcomes of the meeting is an agreement that next term, until January, pupils may continue to wear appropriate, non-branded items that still fit them, to avoid unnecessary waste.
On Tuesday, Total Clothing brought their Pop-Up Shop to school so that new pupils could try on garments for size. I’m sorry that parents couldn’t purchase items as expected, but all uniform is available from their website. Apparently, an impression was given on Tuesday evening that Total Clothing will embroider logos onto non-standard items. This should not be necessary: if any parent has difficulty in getting correctly-fitted branded items, please contact your child’s Head of Year in the first instance.
Rainbow Flag Award
I’m delighted to let you know that the school has been awarded the Rainbow Flag Award, a national, quality assurance framework, to recognise how well we include, make visible and support our LGBT+ pupils. We are indebted to Mrs Zoe Weaver for all her work in collating the evidence needed for this; details of the award can be found on this link: https://www.rainbowflagaward.co.uk/
Free School Meals
If you think you might qualify, please see the information on our website on how to apply for free school meals: https://www.cambournevc.org/parent-carer-and-student-information/free-school-meals-and-pupil-premium.php Supermarket vouchers for the summer holiday will be sent to all registered families. Please contact your child’s year team for more information.
Teachers’ Strikes
Year 10 pupils attended school for their exams, some classes, and their Core RE Day during the two days of strikes by teachers belonging to the National Education Union. The school was closed to other pupils and we all hope that a swift resolution can be reached with the Government, to prevent further strike action next term.
Next Week
Year 10 students finish their exams and go on Work Experience next Wednesday. We have Sports Days for Years 7, 8 and 9, and our Year 7 productions and end of term concert. Activities Week follows on 17 July – an exciting end of term for all.
Wishing you all a very good weekend,
Claire Coates