PB 19.05.2023
19th May 2023
This week's bulletin is available here.
Dear Parents and Carers
GCSE Exams
Year 11 pupils have made a strong start to their GCSE exams; most have appeared to be smiling as they’ve left the exam hall, which is always an encouraging sign in the first week! They will remain in school doing exams, guided revision and individual study until 26 May, after which the students will attend only for their remaining exams and their leaving events.
School Uniform Changes
Please see attached letter and information within the bulletin about a return to fully branded school uniform from September.
Free School Meals over Half Term
Families with children who have free school meals should have received a separate letter about supermarket vouchers this week.
Opportunities for Employment at the College – Come and Join Us!
We are currently seeking members of staff for the following roles:
- Teacher of Maths and Teacher of DT
- Inclusion Leader, to supervise our pupils on alternative timetables
- Science Technician
- Cover Supervisors
Full details are on our website: Vacancies - Cambourne Village College (cambournevc.org)
Foster Care Fortnight – The Local Authority have asked schools to share the following:
There are children and young people who need a loving home, and you could be just what they need. If you would like more information about becoming a Foster Carer or know someone who could offer a safe, secure and loving home then please get in touch on: 0800 052 0078 or email fosteringmarketing@cambridgeshire.gov.uk or visit www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/fostering
Wishing you all a very good weekend,
Claire Coates