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Parent Bulletin: 28.05.2021

28th May 2021

This week's parent bulletin is available here:


Dear Parents and Carers

Goodbye Year 11!

Today we are bidding farewell to our Year 11 students. We‘re very proud of all that they’ve achieved, especially in continuing to work hard through the uncertainties and disappointments of the last year, and responding extremely well to the adapted assessment process of the past half term. Although our usual celebration assemblies can’t take place, Mr Patrick and the year team have put together a morning of formal and much less formal activities for the students; with sunshine promised, they will have the best send-off possible.

Covid Testing

Very many thanks to the 74% of families who submitted test results for their children last week.   With evidence of the new variant of coronavirus prominent as close as Bedford, please continue to test throughout the holiday week and into June, and don’t hesitate to contact the school if you need support of any kind. We’re relieved to have got through the last half term with no cases of the virus in school, and are very keen to keep it that way!

Movement around school

With the space generated by Year 11 leaving, we have been able safely to reorganise use of science labs and DT workshops by all students for the next half term. Art and Music lessons have remained largely in their specialist areas and with the Drama studio also coming back on stream, this means that all students can return to something very like a normally-roomed curriculum. We will continue to preserve year-group bubbles and students will stay in their discrete year group areas for their other lessons and social times.

Year Assessment

Staff have been working desperately hard over the past half term to plan and mark Year 11 assessments. Their marking has been compared with that of colleagues at CamVC and in other schools, in a process called moderation, to ensure that marking is being done to a consistent standard. Students have only been set work on the components of the courses that have been thoroughly taught, and have been given ample opportunity to produce the evidence on which their submitted grades will be based. We are confident that no student will have been disadvantaged by this exceptional year’s assessment process.

Having been forced to close the waterlogged school field for the past week, it seems that the sun has finally come out in time for the half term holiday - what wonderful timing!


Wishing you all a very happy and relaxing break; school reopens on Monday 7th June for all pupils.

Claire Coates

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