Parent Bulletin 08.03.2024
8th March 2024
This week's bulletin is available here.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Firstly, I’d like to say an enormous congratulations to all the students, staff and volunteers involved in our production of Beauty and the Beast, which has opened this week to huge success. We have had packed-out audiences the last two nights and we are sold out already for Saturday night, it is proving so popular! We have so many incredibly talented students here, those who sing, dance, act, play an instrument, as well as work behind the scenes with the set or on the technical side that when they come together, we get to enjoy such an amazing performance, such as Beauty and the Beast! I must also thank all the staff involved too, their time and hard work has also ensured the success of the show.
We have a number of upcoming events and trips next week and as a reminder, only our Year 11s will be in school this Monday 11th March, as final preparations are made for our 6th form planning. On Wednesday 13th, there is an information evening for those Year 9 & 10s who are going on the Spanish study visit to Grenada and we will welcome our German exchange pupils next Thursday, as part of a joint exchange with Comberton Village College. Also on Thursday, our Not Just Black and White group are presenting an art exhibition and cultural celebration, in the Coates Theatre between 6pm and 8pm. In previous years, this has been a fantastic event, showcasing our very talented pupils, so please come along and support if you can.
I’d also like to thank those of you who ran and all of your who voted in the recent elections for a new Parent Governor. We have been very pleased to welcome Mr Yasin Qadir onto the Governing Board, who was elected with 46% of the vote. I have already met with Mr Qadir and welcomed him into school as we start to work together, as he brings the invaluable viewpoint of a parent to future Governor's meetings.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes
Lynn Mayes