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Parent Bulletin 15.03.2024

15th March 2024

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers,

I wanted to start by thanking all our parents and carers as you have been integral to Cambourne Village College winning a National Attendance Award this week. We were in the top 25% of secondary schools in England, for the autumn term 2023-24! As well as you, we also need to thank all the pupils, the vast majority of whom are attending school regularly (90%+) as well as all the staff here, who ensure our lessons are engaging with a range of extra-curricular activities and the great level of support and communication between school and home that further encourages our pupils into school.  This is an award for everyone, so thank you again.

There are some important notices inside this week’s bulletin, including for Year 7 and 8 parents about the current dining arrangements, to Year 7 parents about their child’s upcoming PSHE lessons and the usual lost property items that have been handed in this week.

Next week, we have our Year 10 Parent Consultation on Thursday 21st March Periods 3 - 6 are taught and all pupils will leave school between 1:25pm and 1:35pm. On the evening on Thursday 21st, we will proudly present out Easter Concert, now starting at 7:30pm (doors open at 7:10pm). We have some hugely talented musicians here, including some that will be performing incredibly difficult pieces, so please come and support! Tickets can be purchased here: and we hope to see you there!

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend,

Lynn Mayes


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