Parent Bulletin 19.01.2024
19th January 2024
This week's bulletin is available here.
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we have received multiple calls from concerned members of the public who have witnessed pupils in Cam VC uniform attempting to walk on the frozen lakes without any regard for their own safety. Please continue to talk to your children about the dangers of going near frozen lakes and ponds at this time of year. One area mentioned repeatedly to use is the small pond off Quidditch Lane, called Haven Lake. We cannot know how deep the water is in these lakes and how cold the water will be this time of year, so it very important that this message is repeated at home to the pupils, as we have also been again reminding all pupils this week.
Recently there have also been a small number of cases of pupils using sprays on each other (such as deodorants, perfumes etc.). Please could you also remind your children not to bring these into school, and certainly not to use them on other people. These can have a very dangerous effect on those in the school (pupils and staff), who maybe asthmatic or have a respiratory heath issue, such as an allergy. Thank you for your support in getting both of these message’s home.
I’d also like to thank all the pupil helpers who stayed late last night to help with the Year 9 Options Evening, which was very well attended. The school was buzzing with all the positivity on a very cold night. We hope you found it informative, and your child feels more confident about choosing their option subjects for next year.
We also had NHS staff in school yesterday to deliver vaccinations for our Year 9 pupils. Unfortunately, they were not able to get through all the pupils in one day, but they have told us they will come back for a mop up session. There is also information inside the body of the bulletin with drop in centre dates if your child was not able to be vaccinated yesterday and you would like this done sooner.
Next week we are excited to host our 2nd free History lecture of the year, when we will welcome Professor David Reynolds who will talk to us on ‘Why America’s History Matters’. The talk will start at 4pm on Thursday 25th January (doors open from 3:45pm), and it will be held in the performance hall here. All are welcome to attend; friends, family, neighbours – if you know of anyone who is interested in history, please encourage them to come along.
I would also like to remind you of a few other notices. The College is closed to all pupils on Tuesday 23rd January, as part of our annual curriculum development day. Our curriculum is a huge strength of the school, and this dedicated time to review the content and delivery of lessons is invaluable in maintaining this. Please also continue to remind your child(ren) to bring their locks and keys with them to school, for their lockers, bikes and scooters and also to keep them safe.
Wishing you all a pleasant, and warm, weekend,
Lynn Mayes