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Update 02.06.2020

2nd June 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

This evening’s notices:

Learning Extension Activities:   Staff place these on the CATalogue learning platform and links are sent to the pupils within the Head of Year Daily Notices on ShowMyHomeWork or within the live bulletins on iPads for Years 7 and 9. Please do encourage your children to look at these and to have a go at those that interest them.

Physics Success!  Well done to these students:

Congratulations to Year 10 and 11 Triple Science students for taking part in the National Physics Olympiad. Students did brilliantly, achieving 10 Gold awards, 18 Silver awards and 30 Bronze awards. We are working out how to get the certificates to you now.   

Mr Farnsworth, Head of Physics

New Exercise Books   If your child needs exercise books, please call the school on 01954 284000 between 10am- 2pm and inform Reception staff of the books needed.  They will collate the books (where possible) and organise an allotted time for (socially-distanced) collection.

Research Study:  We have been asked for help in gathering data about the impact of school closure on pupil motivation. This is a genuine piece of new research, as below.  Please encourage your children to complete the survey:

I am Ales Feakes, a doctoral researcher at University College London Institute of Education focusing on the academic motivation of secondary school age students and their use of metacognitive learning strategies. 
This part of my research is focused on how students' motivation has been affected by the experience of learning during the period of school closure resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. To study this, I would like as many secondary school age students as possible to complete an on-line questionnaire about their motivation for home-learning during the pandemic.

Please note that this research project has been approved through UCL's ethics processes and all survey data will collected in accordance with GDPR.  The link to the survey is here:

With all good wishes, and take care,

Claire Coates


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