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Update 09.06.2020

9th June 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

I’m sure you are all watching the evolving news around school re-opening.  The Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson, made a speech this afternoon; however, the only ‘new’ item regarding secondary schools was a confirmation that public exams are planned to take place next year - a goal that we are certainly preparing for.  In the meantime, we are working hard to develop our delivery of remote learning, since it seems a strong possibility that we will return to some form of ‘blended’ learning – a combination of home and school – when school resumes in September. At this point,  we hope that all pupils in Years 7-10 will have their own iPad, and Year 11 will also be fully equipped.


In order to give you an update on your children’s progress, we will be issuing written reports this term.  We plan to send Year 10 reports to parents this Friday, 12 June, and will send reports for Years 7, 8 and 9 on Friday 19th June. Following this, we will arrange for tutors to have an extended ‘report’ phone call with each child and parents over the following two weeks, during which progress can be discussed.  The reports will contain more specific information for the ‘Core’ subjects of English, Maths and Science, and more generalised information about the other subjects studied. 

Behaviour in School

Increasing numbers of children are attending Key Worker School and from next week, Year 10 lessons.  I'm sure you will appreciate that excellent standards of cooperation and behaviour are expected from all pupils attending school.   Keeping everyone safe on site is underpinned by observing guidelines on social distancing. Any pupils who are unable to comply with safety instructions and in particular, to observe the Government guidelines on social distancing - currently to remain 2 metres apart - both at school and on their journeys to and from school - are likely to have their invitation to attend on-site provision withdrawn.  Please do read the attached Addendum to our Pupil Discipline and Behaviour Policy under COVID-19 arrangements, and discuss this with your child, if they are attending school going forward.  I'm sure that you appreciate the reasons for this.  

I hope that you are all keeping well.  Take good care of yourselves,

Claire Coates


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