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Update 11.06.2020

11th June 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

Children’s Medication

If your child is attending school and has medication usually held by the school nurse, including emergency medication, please check that the school has the necessary supply and that this is in date.

Year 10 - On-Site provision next week. 

Staff are working very hard to arrange the requests for Year 10 pupil attendance from Heads of Department into a workable - and safe- timetable.  We hope to get the invitations for the whole of next week out to parents tomorrow.  If this can’t be managed, pupils invited into school on Monday 15th will be informed tomorrow, and all other communications will be made on Monday. 

Risk Assessment

Parents with children on site may wish to be reassured about the processes followed in school to keep students and staff safe.  The revised risk assessment to accommodate more children in school from next week is on the website under the COVID-19 tab and on this link:

Cambourne Crier

We’ll always be grateful to the Cambourne Crier for donating £20,00 to the school when we first opened, to buy our grand piano.  The team have asked us to share the link to this month’s magazine as below.  You can view or download the magazine at: 

Cambourne Crier June Edition

Have a good evening everyone – Friday tomorrow! – and take good care,

Claire Coates



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