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Key Staff

Careers Guidance and Development Lead: Mrs V McCormack

Assistant Associate Principal with Responsibiltiy for Careers: Ms F Rose


More information regarding Yr11 and post-16 choices can be found here.

For Parents/Carers and Pupils: There is a wealth of useful resources available online for helping with careers and study options here


Cambourne Village College is committed to providing the best possible Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIG) to all our students, provided fairly and equitably. We aim to do everything we can to inspire, encourage and equip each one of them to realise their talents and potential, and have fulfilled and successful working lives. Encouraging a growth mindset is an important part of this. We understand the importance of this work in the context of the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The elements of CEIG provision are as follows:

  • Careers Education, including dedicated careers lessons, subject lessons linking curriculum learning to careers, work related learning (work experience and careers events etc).
  • Career Information, on all education and employment routes, provided through various channels and media, including the Careers Library and online resources.
  • Career Guidance, both impartial and independent, offered with open access to a careers professional, teaching and other staff, as well as external sources such as employers and professional bodies.

We benchmark our provision against best practice nationally, monitor our provision and student destinations, and we develop our provision using feedback from students, staff and others. Students provide feedback to our CEIG provision through our annual survey and through conversations with our staff. We evaluate the success of our provision not just through the quantitative measures of destinations and outcomes but also through this qualitative feedback we receive. 

Careers Programme

Year 7

Intent: To introduce pupils to employability and life skills and apply them in a specific project within a school environment To encourage pupils to start thinking about what jobs and/or sector of work would suit them To give pupils an understanding of what subjects are needed to follow specific pathways To give pupils the opportunity to have a fun initial contact with employers and learn about various industries

Pupils have access to a 1:1 careers meeting with a Careers Advisor/ Senior Leadership Team member.

PSHE lessons:

Pupils consider who they are:

Key traits they have and unique pathways.

Key skills they have or are developing and how these relate to careers.

Pupils start to think about what careers there are in the world around them.

Careers event – guest speakers from various companies.


Year 8

Intent: To give pupils the opportunity to apply their newly acquired employability skills to a specific project in a classroom environment To give pupils an understanding of today’s work environment through contact with various employers To give pupils the opportunity to participate in a range of career centred activities and projects relevant to their identified career sector/s

Pupils have access to a 1:1 careers meeting with a Careers Advisor/ Senior Leadership Team member.

PSHE lessons:

Work and labour market information including challenging stereotypes.

Entrepreneurship introduction.

Challenging discrimination in the workplace.

Careers event – guest speakers from various companies.


Year 9

Intent: To provide each pupil with up to date relevant information about option choices and the implication of those choices on their future To expand the range of career centred activities and opportunities offered to students to suit their needs To expand students’ knowledge of today’s work environment

Pupils have access to a 1:1 careers meeting with a Careers Advisor/ Senior Leadership Team member.

PSHE lessons:

Exploring careers pathways.

Review their skills and values to help identify possible career pathways.

Goals for the future.

Preparing for GCSE courses and post-16 options.

Careers event - enterprise day. 


Year 10

Intent: To encourage students to use their employability skills to find a work experience placement To provide students with multiple opportunities to learn from/talk to employers about work, employment, the skills valued in the workplace and today’s labour market. To give students first-hand experience of the workplace through 2 weeks work experience placement/s

Pupils have access to a 1:1 careers meeting with a Careers Advisor/ Senior Leadership Team member.  Pupils receive group or individual advice sessions focused on finding a work experience placement.

PSHE lessons:

Online presence.

Applying for jobs.

Work experience.

Pupils undertake work experience in a local business or organisation at the end of July.


Year 11

Intent: To give students access to impartial, high-quality information about post-16 study options, providers and the labour market To lead students to understand the full range of learning opportunities available to them: academic or vocational, in school, college, university and/or the workplace To give students a high-quality impartial individual focussed guidance meeting lead by an informed advisor to help them decide on post-16 choices.

Pupils have access to a 1:1 careers meeting with a Careers Advisor/ Senior Leadership Team member.

PSHE lessons:

Writing a personal statement.

Options and careers.

Post-16 applications.


Local Employers

We value collaboration with local employers, and are keen to work with local businesses, charities and organisations to enhance our students career education and experience of the world of work. If you are a local employer and would like to collaborate with us, we would love to hear from you!

There are lots of ways to get involved, this could be talking to our students about the industry that you work in and your career journey so far, hosting a workplace visit, leading/participating in a career focused classroom activity or sharing/developing resources regarding employability skills and local labour market information.  

Please contact Mrs V McCormack if you would like to get involved.



You can find lots more information on careers, including access to up-to-date information about the labour market, future study options and career paths on the careers page of the CATalogue.


Post-16 destination data for Cambourne VC Pupils

Specific post 16 destinations % comparison 

Year 2013-18  2014-19  2015-20 2016-21 2017-22 2018-23
%Employment 1 1 0 0 0 0
%Left the UK 0 0 2 0 0 0
%Apprenticeship 4 2 1 2 0 3
%NEET 0 0 0 1 1 0
%Football Scholarship 0 0 2 0 0 0
%Joined the forces 0 0 1 0 0 0
%Cambridge Academy of Science and Technology 0 0 1 0 0 0
%Cambridge Regional College 22 19 19 16 19 22
%College of West Anglia 2 1 1 2 1 4
%Comberton Sixth Form 23 24 22 23 21 16
%Hills Road Sixth Form 18 23 25 22 27 24
%Hinchingbrooke Sixth Form - - - - 1 0
%Impington International College 1 5 1 1 2 2
%Long Road Sixth Form 17 16 25 28 20 15
%Parkside Sixth Form 0 1 1 0 0 0
%Peterborough Regional College 0 0 0 0 0 0
%Shuttleworth 0 2 1 1 2 1
%The Oakes Sixth Form College 0 0 1 1 3 2
%Other institution 11 3 0 3 1 2
%Unknown  1 3 1 0 2 4


General post 16 destination % comparison 

Year 2013-18  2014-19  2015-20 2016-21 2017-22 2018-23
%Staying in education 95 94 95 97 95 93
%Moving into apprenticeships 4 2 1 2 0 3
%Moving into employment 1 1 0 0 0 0
%NEET 0 0 0 1 1 0
%Destination unknown 1 3 1 0 2 4
%Left UK 0 0 2 0 0 0
%Joined the forces 0 0 1 0 0 0


Date of Review of the Year 11 process: January 2023