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Student Leadership

Cambourne Village College fosters ambition, adaptability, independence and resilience, as highlighted by its core ethos. One way to build these qualities within our students is to promote leadership. From taking responsibility for students’ learning, to the running and taking part in extra-curricular clubs, to representing the school in external events, to representing the needs and worries of students in a larger leadership capacity through groups such as the Student Council and the Prefect teams: we firmly believe that every student is a leader.

By offering multiple opportunities to students with the intention of enhancing their leadership skills, it is made clear that all students are listened to, and that their thoughts, opinions and worries matter. In turn, this helps to nurture our 'Respect' values within and beyond the school community. Every student has the capability to lead, and by being proactive in seeking out and starting up even more opportunities to continue making this school a fantastic place to learn, they develop these key skills for later life.

Below are a wide selection of leadership roles available to students. Whether students are respecting themselves and each other through roles such as Sports Activators or Healthy Relationship Ambassadors, or respecting the environment around them through the Eco Council, there are many ways for all students to prove that they have necessary skills for leadership.

The Student Bulletin archive can be found here