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Art - KS3 - Photography

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Supporting your child

Extended learning


Photography skills will be taught as a skill in KS3 through timetabled Art and Design lessons and homework tasks. Pupils will use photography in order to gather resources for their art making as well as investigate photography as the main process and outcome.


See KS3 page for Art and Design.

Supporting your child

What you can do at home:

Encourage your child to investigate the Snapseed app on their iPad. There are loads of YouTube tutorials on creative uses of this app.


Beyond school iPad, none is essential. However, if your child shows an interest, you may want to consider purchasing some fun clip-on lenses for iPad and Smartphone cameras or some prisms to shoot through. If they are really keen, consider a second hand DSLR camera. We always recommend a Canon 450d; there are lots of second-hand cameras on MVB website.

Extended learning

Homework policy:

Will be set occasionally through Art and Design lessons.

Clubs/ Enrichment opportunities:

Photography club will run once every 2 / 3 weeks. In addition, pupils may be invited for masterclass workshops at points throughout the year.

Extended study suggestions and reading lists:

We will endeavour to highlight local opportunities for workshops and events through the parent bulletin.

Possible trips and visits:

We will endeavour to run a KS3 trip to visit a London exhibition.