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Drama - Key Stage 4

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Exam Board and Course Code




What students will learn

How it builds on learning



Pupils will learn about a variety of theatre practitioners to enable them to make an informed choice when choosing a style for their Component 1 exam.

Pupils will also do a mock exam of this during the first half of Year 10 to ensure students know what to expect during the autumn term of Year 11.



Performing from a text

Pupils will explore a variety of scripts giving them the opportunity to work collaborative with their classmates and to prepare them for the component 2 exam in the spring term of Year 11.



Set Text exploration

Pupils will practically explore the text that the Year 11 summer exam will be on.

They will explore this from the perspective of an actor, director and designer. This includes set, lighting, sound, costume, hair and make-up.



What students will learn

How it builds on learning


Component 1 – Devising

Pupils will work in small groups to create their own original performances based from a choice of stimulus.

Pupils will also write a portfolio to support their devising process and complete an evaluation to reflect on their performance.

This is worth 40% of the overall grade.


Component 2 – Performing from a text

Pupils will be in pairs or groups where they will rehearse and then perform an extract form a professionally published script.

An examiner from the Eduqas exam board will come and assess the pupils in person.

This is likely to be around February/March of Year 11. This is worth 20% of the overall grade.


Component 3 – Interpreting theatre

In the summer of Year 11, pupils will sit their exam. They will answer questions the set text explored in both Year 10 and 11. They will also answer one question on live theatre. Pupils will watch a professional theatre production and will answer a question either as an actor, director or designer.



Component 1 is internally marked and externally moderated; this will be completed by October of Year 11.

Component 2 and 3 are externally marked and moderated. Component 2 is usually undertaken around February/March of Year 11 and the written exam is usually around mid-May of Year 11.

Supporting your child

What you can do at home:

Pupils will be required to learn lines, complete coursework and rehearse outside of lesson time for their homework. Please do ensure that this is being completed and that pupils are keeping on top of their workload.


Where possible pupils should have their own copy of the “set text” studied for their exam. Pupils will be told what this at the start of Year 10 and which edition to purchase.

Extended learning

Homework policy:

Homework will be both written and practical. Written work may include researching drama practitioners, performance skills and dramatic devices, reading and annotating scripts. Practical work will include rehearsals and line learning.

Clubs/ Enrichment opportunities:

The whole school production is open to all pupils, and pupils are able to work backstage as part of the crew or as part of the cast.

Auditions are held at the start of the year for pupils who wish to be a part of the cast; please do speak to any member of the Drama, Dance or Music department if you have any questions.

There may be the opportunity to take part in workshops with external practitioners.

Extended study suggestions and reading lists:

Encouraging pupils to read plays and explore different theatre styles will help to develop any keen actor/performer.

Possible trips and visits:

It is required that you attend theatre trips for this subject. There will be more information in due course.