PB 12.05.2023
12th May 2023
This week's bulletin is available here.
Dear Parents and Carers
This half term seems to have raced by and staff have worked hard to maintain the continuity of learning around so many broken weeks. We have now reached full exam season; GCSE speaking exams in modern languages have finished and written papers begin in earnest on Monday.
Year 11 Study leave for Year 11 students starts after the half-term break. They will remain in school for the rest of this half term, except for the afternoon of May 18th when they will leave after lunchtime. Teachers will deliver guided revision in lessons before their subject is examined; students will be supervised to do independent revision in class once an exam is completed.
Behaviour Policy
Thank you to those parents who have commented on our new Pupil Discipline and behaviour policy. Parents are invited to view and comment on this, on LINK . Mr Darling, our new Deputy Principal, presented key aspects of the policy to all pupils last week, and we will continue this input to ensure all students know exactly what is expected of them, and the consequences if these expectations are not met.
Year 7 Parent Consultation
Thank you to all the parents who attended appointments with teachers at the Consultation yesterday afternoon; we had a very strong turnout at 91%. If you were unable to attend and would like to speak with any of your child’s teachers, please contact the Year 7 team to coordinate this. CAM-Year7@cambournevc.org
We are always grateful for parent feedback after such events; if you haven’t already done so, please complete the parent survey on Year 7 Parent Survey.
Sixth Form Developments
Ms Frankie Rose, current Head of Year 11, has been appointed as Sixth Form Coordinator to oversee the opening of Cambourne Sixth Form for September 2024.This is a hugely exciting development for the school and Ms Rose will work closely with the new Principal, Mrs Lynn Mayes, and the Trust Director of Sixth Form, Mr David Clarke, to oversee all aspects of this. Our current Year 10 will be our first year group with the opportunity to attend our own sixth form centre, and these pupils will play a key part in developing plans over the next terms.
Prefect Selection Process
Very many Year 10 pupils have applied to be part of our Pupil Leadership team next year, and are undergoing a rigorous selection process, which will culminate in interviews for positions of Senior Prefect next week.
Year 8 Obstacle Course
More than 90, Year 8 students took part in a social to an outdoors obstacle course after school on Wednesday. With the weather contributing to the water-based obstacles, they had a great time getting as wet and muddy as they possible could! Many thanks to the Year 8 staff for providing this opportunity.
Wishing you all a very good weekend,
Claire Coates