Parent Bulletin 05.07.2024
5th July 2024
This week's bulletin is available here.
Dear Parents and Carers
We have very much enjoyed welcoming our Year 6s to the school this week as part of their new intake days, with lessons yesterday and PE today, I hope it has given all the pupils something to look forward to when the join us in September. We have also had both our current Year 10 pupils and pupils from other schools here for a taster day in our brand-new 6th form and it was wonderful to see the new facilities there being utilised for the first time. Additional information about these is inside the bulletin for this week. Today, we are also celebrating our cultural diversity day and it has been wonderful to see so many students in their cultural dress and for all the students here to learn more about the huge varieties of cultures that we have at Cambourne.
Also in the bulletin are reminders about Activities Week (15th-18th July) – if you are yet to give consent for certain activities or have outstanding payments due, please do ensure you complete these ASAP, or contact our Trips coordinator Mrs Pearce directly. The parking bays outside both our school and the primary school will be closed off for that week, to make way for coaches, so please do encourage your children to walk, cycle or scoot to school if they can.
There is also a letter from our new school uniform supplier, Schoolyard, in the bulletin, who are now open and can offer an alternative uniform supplier. Their website link is now live on the uniform page of our website.
Next week we have the lower school production, Going for Gold, and the summer concert – please remember to get your tickets soon as both of these will be a fantastic events, and the last organised by our Head of Music, Mr Page, before he leaves at the end of the summer. Years 7, 8 and 9 also have their sports days next Wednesday-Friday, so please ensure they come to school prepared with a water bottle and plenty of suncream.
With the school expansion and changes to the social areas for year groups next academic year, we are currently reminding pupils that all lockers need to be emptied by the end of the day on Friday 12th July. We would appreciate your help in also reminding your children about this if they use their lockers and also to had in any keys back to their year team. Also, as a final reminder from me, if the school holds any medication for your child and the child is not returning to us in September, you need to collect it before 19th July, or it will be returned to a pharmacy for disposal. We will not hold it over the summer holidays.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend
Lynn Mayes