Parent Bulletin 19.07.2024
19th July 2024
This week's bulletin is available here.
Dear Parents and Carers
We are at the end of another year and my first here at Cambourne Village College. I want to thank you all for the warm welcome I have had and of course, and your ongoing support. From September the college expands again with the opening of our 6th form as we welcome the first cohort of Year 11s in our brand-new 6th form building, so it will be an exciting year!
A huge thank you to Mrs Pearce and Mr Russen for organising Activities Week which has taken place this week – on which I hope your children had a wonderful time. This is always an opportunity for our pupils to take part in something new and learn new skills along the way and of course we had our Year 7s at Beaumanor this week too, and I would like to thank all the staff that supported with that trip.
Today, we unfortunately have to say goodbye to several members of staff. Mrs Harvey is retiring as our SENCo, Mr Page is moving to another school after 20 years with the Trust and a founding member of staff here. Mr Thomas and Mrs Innes are leaving from MFL, Ms Angell from the History Department, Mrs Morris from English, Miss Ciantar from DT, Mr Balding from Maths and Mr Beaumont from Science. We also have two TAs leaving to begin teacher training; Mr Whitehead and Mrs Ahmed, Mr McWilliam is leaving the View, Mr Hart (art technician), Mrs Martin (science technician), Mrs Spreadbury (intervention teacher), Mrs Horlor (safeguarding team) and Ms Haleem (admin) are also all moving on. We will of course welcome new replacement staff in September, but I wanted to thank all staff for their hard work this year and to those that are leaving, wishing them all the best in their future careers.
School will begin again in September, on Wednesday 4th for Year 7s and Year 12s only, with all pupils returning on Thursday 5th September. And of course, GCSE results day is Thursday 22nd August, where the school will be open for our Year 11s as they receive their GCSE results.
Also, on our return in September, we will appreciate parent and carer support in ensuring that your child(ren) are coming into school in the correct uniform. Non-branded skirts, trousers and shorts can now be worn, but they must fit in with our uniform expectations, as outlined on our website: . With skirts especially, please note that they must come down the knee. If you have any donations of 2nd hand uniform, these are always welcomed, just drop those into the College Reception. From September, we will also have a new school caterer, Innovate. Information about them and prices are inside the bulletin. I’d also like to personally thank the Pabulum for all they have done for us since the school opened in 2013.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful summer break, whatever your plans!
Best wishes
Lynn Mayes