Parent Bulletin 26.01.2024
26th January 2024
This week's bulletin is available here.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your continued support with sending your children to school in the correct uniform. The pupils are looking smart and are prepared for each day's learning, which is wonderful to see. As a reminder, if your child does feel the cold, please ensure they have their school jumper with them at all times and if needed, a layer can also be worn under the polo t-shirt. We do appreciate your help in ensuring every pupil meets our uniform expectations, and I would like to draw your attention to three sections on the uniform policy; jewellery, hair styles and make up, also included below. (For reference the full details of our uniform policy can be found on our website:
Allowed |
Not Allowed |
Jewellery: |
One watch, one pair of small stud earrings, one ring. |
No other visible jewellery is permitted. |
Hairstyles: |
Hair colour should be natural. Hair accessories should be functional and discreet. |
Extreme hair colours or hairstyles as judged by the College are not allowed. |
Make Up: |
Natural-looking make-up may be worn. |
False/acrylic nails or nails with bright designs/colours are not permitted. |
Please do remind your child(ren) of the above rules and in particular any jewellary they regularly wear. Sanctions will be given to any pupils who are seen to disregard these rules and they will be asked to remove the items.
Parent Governor
A school post was sent out to all parents on the 15th January, asking for new Parent Governor nominations. If you are interested, this could be your opportunity to shape and develop what is happening at Cambourne Village College as we continue to expand and grow. Please do get in touch, either for more information or to apply directly, by emailing our Clerk to the Governors on before the deadline of 12 noon on Monday 29th January.
We have been enjoying a busy week of trips this week, including a Year 10 DT visit to the Design Museum in London, Year 11 GCSE Art trips to Cambridge and our language leaders have been working wonderfully with the Primary Schools in Cambourne, teaching the younger pupils there. One primary teacher commented: “I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was with the language leaders who taught Spanish to my class today. They were a real credit to you. The children in my class were engaged and behaved exceptionally. The leaders properly taught and modelled pronunciation. It was one of the best language leader lessons I have seen.” Many congratulations to all those involved, a wonderful credit to themselves and the school.
This week we have also had our 2nd free public history lecture last night that had over 100 attendees to listen to Professor David Reynolds on ‘Why America’s History Matters’, and today a large number of our Year 7s and 8s attended a very poignant testimony from Holocaust survivor Mala Tribich MBE. Mala was born in 1930 in Poland, and when the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, Mala’s family fled eastwards. When they returned, Mala’s family had to move into the ghetto which was established in her hometown, the first in Poland. All the pupils behaved wonderfully and were very respectful and engaged, which was wonderful to see.
Community Cinema
As a final reminder, if you’d like to see a cinema in Cambourne, there is still time to put your views into the questionnaire here: There are also links if you'd like to be part of the team pulling this together, the Cambourne Village College Charitable Trust. Email the Chair for more information:
Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend.
Lynn Mayes