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Curriculum Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9


Supporting your child

Extended learning



What pupils will learn

How it builds on learning


Pupils in specified form groups will begin learning French in February 2023.


Greetings, introduction to French pronunciation; key sentence stems

Comparison with English and Spanish

Continue greetings; “j’aime”

Continued practice of French pronunciation and sentence stems

Numbers (start); j’ai, tu as, il/elle a, c’est

Key sentence stems are recycled; French pronunciation is practised with new vocabulary

Personality: je suis, tu es, il/elle est; concept of adjective agreement

Concept of adjective agreement is related back to Spanish.  Sentence stems are practised and recycled with the new vocabulary and sentence builders

Brothers and sisters

J’ai, tu as, il/elle a practised again.

Birthdays and dates

Revise c’est; use the months to highlight the differences with Spanish to practise pronunciation; build on previous learning of numbers

Descriptions and ages

Revision of j’ai, tu as, il/elle a, je suis, tu es, il/elle est

Emma et Ed: two celebrities meet

Consolidation of previous material into a substantial conversation


Phonics and adjective endings revisited

Tu es sportif?

Continued practice of pronunciation; building on the concepts of verb endings using jouer and faire; building on the skill of pronouncing cognates; dealing with longer texts; build on giving opinions and key sentence stems


What pupils will learn

How it builds on learning


Ma famille, mes animaux

Revise and extend descriptions; key sentence stems; revise verb forms in 3rd person in particular

Au collège – school subjects, school routine

Continued practice of pronunciation, and specific focus on asking questions with French intonation; a wider range of ER verbs building on the verbs work in Year 7; clock times revise and practise numbers

Food and snacks at school

Experience with verbs built on with manger, prendre, boire; continued pronunciation work with food and drink items.  Work on gender built on with the introduction of du, de la, des

Mon ordi et mon portable – use of technology

Revision of verbs; pronunciation practice; revision of time phrases and opinions

Ma zone – where you live

Practice of key sentence stems; describing leisure activities to build on earlier work on sports; arranging to go out – invitations and verbs vouloir, pouvoir, aller; building on likes/ dislikes; revise other verbs including faire

Future plans for holidays

Build on verbs with the future tense- aller plus near future; building on likes, dislikes, opinions


What pupils will learn

How it builds on learning



Present and past holidays

Introduction of the passé composé builds on previous verbs/ tenses work; revision of opinions, time phrases, sequencers, present tense verbs

Dream holiday

Consolidation of future tense (2022: introduction of future) with aller

Mon weekend

Consolidation of arranging to go out; revision of the three main tenses; a night out

A comme amitié – relationships

Revision of adjectives, family, friends

Work on reflexive verbs builds on present tense work

Une soirée

Revision of tenses

Il était une fois

Imperfect tense builds on previous work on verbs (not 2022)

Une personne que j’admire

Builds on descriptions, verbs, adjectives and opinions

Tu es plutôt foot, tennis ou basket?

Building on hobbies with the revision of sports plus opinions; revision of present tense verbs; cinema and TV

Intervention programme

Revision of key grammar points to book-end the course for those discontinuing French and to provide a firm basis for those starting the GCSE course


Two skills out of listening, speaking, reading and writing per term (excl. spring Year 7)

Supporting your child

What you can do at home:

Encourage them to use the Language Guide (on Microsoft Teams – Files, Class Materials) to review vocabulary and grammar regularly;

Encourage them to read aloud – to practise French in a low-stakes way;

Test them with vocabulary learning;

Listen to French language music/radio using e.g. the app

Keep an eye out for films, documentaries, travelogues etc featuring the French-speaking world

Extended learning

Homework policy:

Pupils will be typically be set homework on their last French lesson of the week due for the last lesson of the following week.

Extended study suggestions and reading lists:

All  lessons are available on the CATalogue

BBC Bitesize Key Stage 3 French – pupils provided with a log-in and password at the start of the year - pupils create a log-in and password when they start languages at CamVC - pupils provided with a log-in and password at the start of the year (online games)​​​

Possible trips and visits:

French exchange and study visit to Paris