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Curriculum Year 10 / Year 11


Supporting your child

Extended learning

Exam Board and Course Code

AQA GCSE French Syllabus 8658



What students will learn

How it builds on learning


Qui suis-je?  – family relationships; imperfect tense; describing role models

Consolidation and completion of work from Key Stage 3; revision of past, present, future including common present tense irregulars

Le temps des loisirs – sports and pastimes; film, TV, cinema, reading; depuis + present tense; direct objects; comparative and superlative adjectives

Builds on and practises the tenses introduced previously; the pastimes topic areas build on material from KS3; the comparative and superlative adjectives build on adjectives covered previously

Jours ordinaires, jours de fête – daily routine and reflexive verbs; tu vs. vous; en; venir de

Combination of tenses; food topic and du/de la /des from KS3; pouvoir and devoir from KS3

De la ville à la campagne – simple future tense; negatives

Combination of tenses; negatives from KS3; asking questions

Le grand large – conditional mood; hotel bookings

Building on tenses work and asking/answering questions


What students will learn

How it builds on learning


Le grand large continued – restaurants, shopping, holiday problems; present participles, avant de; demonstrative adjectives

Revision of gender with demonstratives; revision of reflexive verbs; topic work builds on KS3 work on holidays and on food

Au collège – life at school; misc. advanced grammar points; unhealthy and healthy lifestyles

Combination of tenses, revision of negatives, pronouns and adjectives

Bon travail! – career wishes, applying for jobs, describing job roles

Finding new ways of expressing the future; using and understanding a wider range of verbs; practising questions and answers; practice of object pronouns

Un œil sur le monde – environmental and social issues; arguing for and against

Giving opinions; extended reading; combination of tenses


Pupils will be assessed on two skills at the end of each module except where this occurs near the time of the Year 10 summer exams or the Year 11 mock exams.

Supporting your child

What you can do at home:

Encourage them to use their class and the textbook vocab pages to review vocabulary and grammar regularly;

Encourage them to read aloud – to practise French in a low-stakes way; they could use their end of module questions

Test them with vocabulary learning;

Listen to French language music/radio using e.g. the app

Keep an eye out for films, documentaries, travelogues etc featuring the French-speaking world

Extended learning

Homework policy:

Pupils will be typically be set homework on their last French lesson of the week due for the last lesson of the following week.

Extended study suggestions and reading lists:

All lessons are available on the CATalogue; you will particularly note the revision resources in the Year 11 section

BBC Bitesize Key Stage 3 and GCSE French

Oak National Academy French Key Stage 4

CGP Revision Guide and Workbook if you buy it or a similar book – pupils provided with a log-in and password at the start of the year - pupils create a log-in and password when they start languages at CamVC - pupils provided with a log-in and password at the start of the year (online games)​​

Possible trips and visits:

Exchange visit to Paris